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- New Zealand Educator Exchange New
- Hackett House School Tours
- Conflict in Timbuktu
- Thirty Two Delegates Selected
- Jennifer Jones 2013 TSC Young Artist Award Winner
- News from Mali as reported by the BBC
- Spring Cooking Classes at TSC Hackett House
- Thirty Two Excited Students Learn Their Summer Exchange Destinations
- Youth Group Visits Westchester Care Center
- German Teachers Introduced at TSC Board Meeting
- TSC hosts Reception to honor President Gjorge Ivanov of the Republic of Macedonia
- Soup Kitchen Raises $5,000 for Schools in Timbuktu
- First Educator Exchange from Beaulieu-sur-Mer
- Tempe Awarded BEST Sister Cities Program in America
- Blogging!! Stories From Macedonia
- 35th Anniversary of the sister city partnership between Tempe & Regensburg, Germany
- Tempe Sister Cities will host its first International Educational Forum
- Summer Travel for 2013 Delegates is in Full Swing
- Sister Cities International Conference: San Antonio
- Beaulieu-Sur-Mer Educator Exchange 2013
- A Memorable Journey to Macedonia
- Tempe Teachers Invited to Apply for Educator Exchange
- Youth Group News-Two Service Projects
- New President for Mali
- Hackett House Celebrates 125th Anniversary
- Teacher Exchange with Skopje, Macedonia/Teacher Appreciation Event
- French Coordinator Update
- Youth Group Update-Surprise Visit by President Dick Neuheisel
- Another Oktoberfest Success
- 7th Annual Making A World of Difference
- Chelsea Schell’s Germany Educator Exchange Experience
- Busy Weekend for Youth Group at Oktoberfest
- Cassie Schey, Educator Exchange Delegate, Experiences Germany
- 7th Annual Making A World of Difference
- 2014 Travel Opportunity to Macedonia and the Balkan Conference
- Youth Group News-Feed My Starving Children
- Educator Exchange Shoulder to Shoulder Honors Delegates from New Zealand and Equador
- TSC Honors Volunteers of the Year
- Message From TSC President Dick Neuheisel